Prepping For Private Pilot Tests


Hey, private pilot students! Do you have your tests coming up? Preparation is key, so here are some tips from our own CFI Wade!


  1. Let’s get excited. Harness that passion. You’re steps away from bringing your dreams to reality. There’s a lot of material, but don’t be worried. This is a fun process and designed to make you a strong pilot.

  2. Eliminate distractions. Silence that phone, turn off the TV, and wear headphones if needed.

  3. Schedule it out. Break down your study goals so it’s less overwhelming. Use a plan and a timer to review every day without overdoing it while still holding yourself accountable.

  4. Make flashcards. They’re not just for elementary school. Bring them with you anywhere and practice in your downtime. Whether you’re a fan of paper or digital flashcards on an app, flashcards are so valuable.

  5. Get into the scenario. When you physically review the maneuvers as if you were in the helicopter, you build your muscle memory.

  6. Study then practice. When preparing for the practical test, get familiar with the PTS. Study the book portion first, then practice it to reinforce what you’ve learned.

  7. Ask questions. You don’t have to do this alone. Your CFIs and peers are here to help you!


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