Safety Update: Maintenance


May Safety Update: Maintenance

This blog entry is part of an ongoing series of blogs dedicated to the safety culture we’re creating here at Rogue Aviation. Read the overview for this series here!

If you’ve spent any time around aircraft of any kind, you’re aware of how complicated they are. The amazing amount engineering that goes into not only getting a giant metal frame with people in it to fly, but to allow it to be flown in a safe and controlled manner is staggering. This is true for any aircraft, but especially for helicopters.

Since so many parts must work together in precision for a helicopter to operate optimally, significant care must be given to the type of maintenance that’s performed on them. As we often remind people, if your car engine dies, you can pull off to the side of the road. If your helicopter engine quits on you, you fall out of the sky! (We’re not ones to sugar-coat things!)

There is a temptation in aviation to cut corners on maintenance. Good, quality maintenance is expensive and it often feels redundant to stick to the maintenance schedule and checklists. This temptation can lead to poor documentation and missed steps in the process. While this may save a few dollars in the short-term, it can cost far more in the long-run. Worse than dollars, it can cost lives.

This is why Rogue Aviation has committed to maintaining our ships to the highest standards. Our maintenance program is thorough and skips no steps. In fact, we’ve been known to ground ships on a hunch just to double check and make sure everything is in tip-top shape. We’d rather spend the extra money now to ensure your safety and offer the peace of mind that comes with knowing that the ships you’re flying are maintained to the highest standards.

On top of that, we aim for complete transparency in our maintenance. As a Pilot-In-Training or member of the Rogue Aviation Rental Program, if you ever want one of our Rogue CFIs to take you through the maintenance logs of a ship or explain a maintenance procedure, we’re happy to do so. We want you to feel confident to #FLYROGUE!

Learn more about our SAFETY PROCEDURES here.