Our Aerial Footage in a Music Video

Rogue Aviation aerial footage made its way to a music video! This April, Italian entrepreneur and DJ Gianluca Vacchi and Colombian singer-songwriter Sebastián Yatra released “LOVE,” a dance-worthy tune about spreading love and kindness by embracing culture and a shared passion for the famous sport, soccer.

During the video, released by Universal Latin Music Entertainment, Vacchi and Yatra dance and kick around a soccer ball on a LARGE scale as they are joined by onlookers in cities including Rome, New York and more.

Can you find our aerial footage in the video above? At 1:07, a cloudy San Francisco sets the stage for their giant-sized game. It’s pretty awesome to be included in a video that has been played more than 80 million times and is hailed as the Colombian World Cup anthem by The Bogota Post.

You too can purchase our stock footage here and create your own incredible projects, just like Vacchi and Yatra did! We’d love to see what you can imagine.